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Water Heater Maintenance in Raleigh, NC

Schedule Your Water Heater Maintenance Today.

There's nothing worse than waking up to cold water. Ensure it doesn't happen to your water heater by getting your annual maintenance scheduled today with the expert plumbers at Michael & Son. We can have a licensed, insured and highly-experienced plumber out to your home in no time. Give us a call today and you'll see why we've earned a reputation as one of the most dependable plumbing and home service companies in Raleigh, NC

  • Flexible financing
  • Priority emergency service


What's the cost of water heater maintenance in Raleigh, NC

Water heater maintenance costs in Raleigh, NC tend to vary based on the size, location, and age of the water heater. For more information, give us a call.

Why you should get water heater maintenance:

  • You can save money and improve water heater efficiency. Over time, the buildup of sediment from loose minerals in your water supply can cause damage to your water heater. If you hear loud banging or knocking sounds, it could be an indication of buildup at the bottom of your water heater. As buildup increases, the less efficient your water heater becomes. In turn, causing your water heater to work harder and use more energy.
  • You'll reduce the risk of a water heater breakdown. With annual maintenance, you reduce the risk of expensive, unexpected water heater repairs or replacements. Our experts will tune your water heater and check for signs of corrosion, water leaks or anything else that could prevent your water heater from functioning at 100%.
  • You'll have hot water all year. Make sure you're never stuck with cold water by getting your annual maintenance tune-up scheduled today with the expert plumbers at Michael & Son.


Water Heater Maintenance in 4 Simple Steps

  1. Schedule your estimate

    To get started with your water heater maintenance, call (919) 278-7841 or visit our online scheduling page. We'll connect you with a customer service representative, who will then assign an expert plumber to your project.

  2. Get to know your plumber

    Before your appointment, you'll get the chance to know your plumber via email. We'll email you the name of your plumber along with a photo, a brief bio and any relevant trade licenses. We'll also give you a quick call the day before your appointment as a courtesy.

  3. We'll service your water heater

    Your expert plumber will tune your water heater and check for signs of corrosion, leaking water or anything that may prevent your water heater from operating efficiently and safely.

  4. Let us know how we did!

    Did you love your experience with us? Do you have some constructive feedback? Whether the job was a huge success or there was something we could've done better, we want to know about it. That's why we request feedback from you at the end of every job.

Ready to Schedule Your Water Heater Maintenance?